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Truganina South Nature Conservation Reserve

Trug South' is reserved to protect Golden Sun Moth and Striped Legless Lizard. Surrounded by a diverse residential population that holds negative grassland attitudes partly due to the grassland's poor upkeep. Improvements to presentation are desperately needed, as are efforts to engage the CaLD communities.

Main photo: The large grassland provides many long views
2: A school neighbours the grassland
3: After a burn
4: An incredibly ugly drain and path cuts through the grassland
5: Burns became urgent after a huge Serrated Tussock seed storm made the news
6: Dumped rocks are now a habitat feature of the grassland
7: Dumped rocks now habitat
8: Good restoration along the adjacent waterway
9: In places the edge feels derelict
10: Lack of visible care leads to dumping

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Key features:
Type: Nature Conservation Reserve
Status: Extant
Address: 37 Clovelly Cct, Truganina VIC 3029, Australia
Area (ha): 38.03273162
Lattidude (decimal): -37.8473479
Longitude (decimal): 144.7366922
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