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Hobsons Bay grasslands under threat

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Urgent action needed

The last remaining large patches of grassland on private land in Hobsons Bay are under immediate threat. These include the high-quality Ajax Road and Merton Street (Burns Road) Grasslands.

An application for the removal of native vegetation has already been lodged for Ajax Road Grassland earlier in 2021. A two-hectare block of grassland has been lost at Merton Street in 2021.

Hobsons Bay’s own report identifies Ajax Road and Merton Street Grasslands as among the most significant areas of biodiversity in Hobsons Bay. It would be the worst sort of environmental vandalism to lose these sites to development.

See our Save Ajax Road page.

What you can do

  • Read our report here.
  • Email the Mayor.
  • Spread the word. Below is a link to our posters. Print them out and paste them up.
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Half of Hobsons Bay’s grassland unprotected

The grasslands in red are in immediate danger from developers. These are large paddocks of industrial land thick with Kangaroo Grass and with critically endangered species. They have no Environmental Significance Overlays (ESOs) and council has no clear plan for how to bring them into the public estate.


1) Ajax Road Grassland. 2) Ajax Road Part 2. 3) Ajax Road North Grassland. 4) Burns Road Grassland. 5) SCT grasslands . 6) Laverton North Grassland Reserve. 7) Altona Nature Conservation Reserve . 8) Maidstone Street Grassland . 9) Jordan Close Grassland . 10) Doreen’s Grassland . 11) Horsburgh Road Grassland . 12) SJ Clements Reserve . 13) Spicer Street Grassland, Emu Foot Grassland . 14) Trafalgar Avenue Grassland.