Bon Thomas Reserve

It wasn't until the mid-2010s that grassland was 're-discovered' at this local park beside the railway. Since then, a high-quality area with 26 indigenous species, including Spiny Rice-flower and Kangaroo Grass, has been fenced for protection. Another small grassland block 100 m west is called Bon Thomas Reserve West.

Main photo: A bonus-extra endangered Lily found outside the fenced area

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Notes: The newer section, which has been fenced off from mowers quite recently, is next to the sports grounds, near the end of Railway Parade (but easiest access by vehicle is off Adeline Court). It is more dominated by spear and wallaby grasses (Austrostipa and Rytidosperma species) compared to the west, which has a high density cover of Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra).
Key features: Pimelea spinescens; Linum marginale; Chrysocephalum semipapposum & apiculatum; Calotis scapigera; Podolepis linearifolia; Asperula conferta
Access: Mapped as 57A Quinn Street, Deer Park. Nestled between a sports oval and the railway line, Bon Thomas Reserve grassland has two sections. The more established (longer managed) section is to the west, and can be entered off Beswick St or by walking west along the railway a few hundred metres from the sports ground.
Status: Extant
Address: 76 Poole St, Deer Park VIC 3023, Australia
Area (ha): 11.22945169
Lattidude (decimal): -37.77400862
Longitude (decimal): 144.7641285
Location: -37.774246, 144.764203
Contributors: BC
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