Little Raven, Western Grassland Reserve

The Western Grassland Reserve, part of state-federal Melbourne Strategic Assessment (MSA), is failing to deliver promised conservation outcomes due to poor set-up and implementation. Only 18% acquired. Weeds proliferating. Complex management issues. Huge, urgent...

Kororoit Regional Park, Conservation Area 3

Planning is proceeding apace for this partially acquired regional park despite the lack of surveys that may reveal the degradation of its grasslands from lack of management. High-visitation numbers will place significant stress on grassy ecosystems. Could become...

Kororoit Creek North Herb-rich Grasslands, Conservation Area 2

Yet to be publicly acquired. High-quality, herb-rich grassland. Negotiations early in Precinct Structure Planning process allowed better conservation outcomes to be set-up, including improved planting and tree placement in adjacent areas, and an attempt at connection...

Kalkallo Common, (part of) Conservation Area 24

A historic ‘commons’, the northern half of Conservation Area 24 is an often-damp gilgai landscape with several threatened plant species and a diversity of reptiles and amphibians. Part of the recently declared Merri Creek Marram Baba Parklands (‘Body...