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Modelled extent of Pre-European and contemporary grasslands of the Victorian Volcanic Plain. Enlarge Image.

GPN is conducting an audit of the grasslands of Melbourne, with the aim of recording their extent and quality and making that information publicly available through the map above. This is an ongoing project, and the maps in our map library will be regularly updated.

Incredibly, no thorough map of Melbourne’s grasslands exists. This gap shows just how under-resourced Melbourne’s grasslands are.

Grasslands are managed by a multitude of organisations, including 15 local councils, a couple of rail authorities, VicRoads, various utility companies, other government departments such as DELWP and Parks Victoria, federal authorities, as well as many private landholders.

Bababi Djinanang

Meaning 'Mother's Foot', this grassland, formerly known as Jukes Road Grassland, is an important part of the recently declared Merri Creek Marram Baba ('Body of the Mother') Parklands, a critical biodiversity corridor through Melbourne's northern suburbs. Long-term restoration works are being undertaken by Merri Creek Management Committee (MCMC).

Main photo: With a well-placed bike path and public open space adjacent, the grassland sits easily on Merri Creek

Other names: Jukes Road Grassland
Owner: 9 Jukes Rd, Fawkner
Manager: Crown Land (State)
Notes: Accessible via Jukes Rd
Key features:
Status: Extant
Address: Fawkner VIC
Area (ha): 12.46320804
Lattidude (decimal): -37.70221728
Longitude (decimal): 144.9798236
Location: -37.70138794471818, 144.9797709
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